Tanmay Bishnoi

In theory, theory and practice are the same. In practice, they're not. - Yogi Berra


25 Selby St.

Toronto, ON M4Y0E6


I’m an undergraduate in Electrical Engineering at TMU, Toronto with an expected degree date of August 2025. I’m presently on Professional Engineering Year (PEY) at Advanced MicroDevices Inc. (AMD) as a Software Solutions Engineering Intern till the end of April 2024.

My passion is grounded in the study, design, and engineering of all things intelligent. This has attracted me to fields such as Robotics, Computational Neuroscience, Machine Learning, and lately, AI. I have industry experience in Robotics, ML Engineering, and Software Engineering. My research interests lie in Autonomous Vehicles, Robotics, cool applications of ML, BCIs, and Conciousness.

I hope to one day generate significant contributions to these field.